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Главная » 2010 » Ноябрь » 22 » sims3] Jericho Legacy 4.4
sims3] Jericho Legacy 4.4
Last episode was a filler, so to say.

Recap: Last episode was a filler, so to say. Ying threatened old gents,Thorn gardened, Larry worked, pine propositioned young men and got picked up by the cops, Noix was insanely sane, Mousse OMFGYAYED on things, and Little Pin was an artist. Some people died, there were parties and then they moved to a new house.


This update is going to be rather short BUT THERE WILL BE A HEIRPOLL BWHAHAAHAHAHA!!! *cough* Yes. Onwards!

Thorn has gotten domesticated. He works in his garden and does the laundry. I found the entire laundry thing to be immensely fascinating, btw.

Random Loon: So I hear you guys have moved to a sparkly new house and I figured I could come and live with you!

Random Loon: So, what do you think?!

Pin: ... I am thinking I should stop going to the park alone.

Back home it's time for yet another birthday. Days as an awkward, depressed kid is over, moving into the days of hormones, craziness and lots of bathroom cryings at school. Pin can't wait.

Everyone decent: *celebrates with lots of vigor*

pine: *does.... not*

Pin: Duuuude, those sparks goes straight to the brain.

pine: Damn she's cute, now I have to mess her face up.

Noix: Goddamn, is it me smelling that bad?

Larry: I think it's Pin, actually.

Looking away from Noix and her supposedly smelly armpits for a bit; here's a shot of Pin's silly cuteness in profile.

She's such a female version of Thorn it's not even funny. Except she got Larry's lips. Also: lol at the collection of traits.

Are you showcasing tendencies I didn't know you had, Pin? Carry on then.

With the new expansionpack, even jobless bums trekking around at home without any aim can have a career! Thorn called in and put in an application to make a living of his gardening.

As he was at it he also bought the Cemetery, the Supermarket and another establishment I can't remember at the moment. The Jericho's aim is to own all of Riverview, one day.

Down at the Town Hall picking up his license, this lady seemed to be extremely happy to have a job xD

In Ambitions you can also become a superhero and learn to fly!

Just kidding with yah, you can't become a superhero.... but you CAN have a really awesome trampoline. And that's almost just as cool.

Ying: Looks like you could need some help there, Thorn.

Thorn: No thanks, Father, I am doing quite alright.

Ying: Still, it seems to me that some help wouldn't go amiss.

Thorn: No, it's fine.

Ying: Are you certain becau-

Ying and Thorn are the only ones home during the day, they get on each others nerves a bit.

Trent: Hey Pin. You've- you've certainly grown up.

Pin: Yeah... and seemingly so have you, too.

Aarrrg, he was only four days older than her, how can he grow so fast? D:

Pin: We were sweet as long as we lasted, but you're an adult now. You need to get out into the world and forget about me.

Trent: But-

Trent: Why did I get the sudden feeling of being in mortal peril?

Larry: *breathes*

Pin: Yeah about that- don't turn around.

Larry: You think you're so clever, but you're not! You seem to me to be quite stupid in fact!

Pin: Oh really now.

Thorn: I know for a fact that you like art, and I can tell you that art is nothing but crap, bullshit and a waste of energy. If you think you can run away and be ~artsy~ with my underage daughter you're quite mistaken mister.

Lol, Larry and Thorn seriously pounced on them simultaneously, yelling at them. They must have planned it.


Larry: Auurghh, calm yourself, my eardrum just popped.

Pin: I will never forgive you for this you know, and-

Pin: Ooooh Shiny new books! :3

Larry: Err...

Thorn&Larry: *celebrates a bad job well done*

Noix: Seriously you guys, I am trying to read here.

Whereas, Noix as a relatively normal sim, wants to be nice to her dad-

He has his very own, special way of showing that he cares.


It came to my notice that the gen 3 spares have finally managed to magick forth a kid of their own. Ivy, actually.

Ivy: Yes, I am aware we're still living in a dump and I look like trailertrash and that this kid if fatherless. BUT!

Inside Mandrake is trying to forget his heartbreak of old Lorraine going ahead and dying by crying over sappy romance movies.

Nettle: Ok, the day we planned for for so long is finally here. Dad got the baby, prepare yourself and -

Nettle: RUN!

Ivy: Don't look back, just don't look back!

Ying: Guys?


Dundee Maid got fired, apparently. His investigation of the disappearance of Harold must have been inconclusive.



Larry: I was just kidding earlier, you're actually pretty smart.

Pin: Uhu...

Pin: Dad made you say that, didn't he.

Larry: Yeah.

pine wants to cut a bitch in school. In primary school. Way to be hardcore there.

Figuring that hanging over Thorn while he gardens all day might not be ideal, Ying has taken up architecture as a hobby.

And Mousse has taken up Jericho tradition and hangs at the cemetery. While Ying and Thorn were there for the delighted feeling of the scent of rotting death and utter despair, Mousse just really wants to look at the pretty flowers and squee.

For being an angler he sucks pretty hard at the entire fishing thing. He has up to date not caught one single fish.

Pin: I think both of us stand a pretty good chance at heirship, you know. Have you thought about that?

Mousse: ... oh.

Pin: Yup.

It's the day of the twins birthday and a huge birthday party is set up. All the towns losers singles are showing up.

And since tradition is apparently very important for this generation, Noix couldn't miss the opportunity to pee herself on her birthday.

pine: I see your thought bubble over there French Frank! It will take more than that to get into this house y'know.

Larry: Hi. I am sorry my husband and me yelled at you earlier.

Trent: That alri-

Larry: Great! I am collecting in money so d'you wanna gimme some?

pine wants to become the biggest, baddest bitch in town for her birthday wish.

Well, bigger and bitchier, that's for sure, but badder I don't know. Unstable, yes. She rolled Over-Emotional. Neurotic, grumpy and over-emotional. Elementary kids, watch out!

By the time it was Noix's turn the party had sort of dwindled down. Larry is still very much supportive, though!

Or not.

Larry: I think this new house is a bit better than the other one. It's a bit more roomey, you know, has more potential.

Last time she lost her hair, this time an entire body.

Is this when I admit I have a huge girl-boner for Noix? No? Oh...

Deciding that homework came second to being an ~artist~, Pin has taken up sculpting.

Pin: If I stare at it long and hard enough, it might just turn into a pretty vase!


You don't fool us Ivy. If we let you inside you will never leave again.

Ying: You kids know nothing of hard, honest work! Why in my day we had to begin at the bottom and do the dirty bits ourselves! There were no fancy stuff like hunting ghosts and saving pretty ladies from fire!

Mousse: I err... don't really know what to say paps. I'm sorry?

Ying: Humph!

Go to bed Casey, I am sorry I didn't invite you to the party xD (yup, it's in the middle of the day)

And here we have Thorn working in his garden and-

Who am I even kidding. This was just a bad excuse to show off Thorn shoving dirt in his underwear.

French Frank: pine, who is that man sliding down that pole?

pine: Oh, uhm... no one, no one at all!

Gerry: Wheeee!

That pole is so much awesome.

Noix: What' going on here?

Gerry: Noix! Your grandpa is scaring me...

Ying: Was not!

Gerry: Bu-but!

Noix: No buts. Stop bothering my grandpa, he's elderly.

Ying: Hee-hee. Well, I am off, I have some business to take care of.

Ying: Better not let the kids see this.

Ying: Feels a bit different than expected-

Ying: -but I still got my bunny slippers, so I guess everything's alright then.

Ying: Why, good evening there DEATH.


DEATH: Well, you're dead now!

Ying: Yes, I sort of figured that.

Ying: I am feeling sort of peckish though, you don't suppose you brought anything to eat?

DEATH: wat.

Pin: But grandpa-

Ying: Take care of your siblings for me, will you Pin?

Pin: YOU did this!

DEATH: *awkward silence*


Noix: Super big sister sensors are telling me someone made my little sister cry!

DEATH: I- suppose I am off, then. Bye.

Pin: The evil pile of rags took grandpa!

Noix: Don't worry Little Pin, we'll deal with him.

DEATH: Are you ready yet?

Ying: I guess-

DEATH: Hurry up then!

DEATH: Huh... what a depressive place to die.

You don't say >: Ying chose the only unfurnished room in the house.

Noix: We have to think of something suitably horrifying. Something really despicable and cruel.

DEATH: Are you guys talking about me?

Pin: I trust you sister, do your worst!

DEATH: Errr....

DEATH: They're standing right behind me, aren't they.

Pin: *cracks knuckles*

DEATH: Oh fuck.

For censoring reasons we'll now interrupt the scheduled program with a peaceful picture of the backyard cemetery:

Casey and Ying. I don't think it's settled with me yet. It feels, really really really empty in the house now...

Will be missed, that's for sure.

..... Well. That was a suitably depressive ending to an update, is what I am thinking. So for some diversity, here, have a ~HEIRPOLL~!

Don't forget to vote fairly and nicely and go about it in- who am I kidding. Do it the Slytherin way!

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